Thai Restaurants on Long Island

Weather Alert  

ELEVATED RISK FOR FIRE SPREAD THURSDAY The combination of low relative humidity values between 20 and 30 percent and wind gusts 20 to 25 mph will create an elevated risk for fire spread across the region on Thursday. Exercise caution handling any potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches. Any fires that ignite will have the potential to spread quickly. This forecast considers meteorological, fuel, and land conditions and has been developed in coordination with state fire and land management officials.

Thai has become one of the most popular Asian cuisines on Long Island, and for good reason. One of its signature dishes, pad Thai, coats stir fired noodles with a thick peanut sauce, and the country's many curries can be filled with all sorts of meats and vegetables. Thai food is renowned not for delicacy or simplicity, but for its ability to mix many different, often disparate ingredients into a single unified and balanced dish.

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